Timber and concrete life extension materials for rail infrastructure
High performance polyurethane life extension products that are simple to use and offer a quick return to service. When Spikefast is used in S&C re-guaging, the process is quicker and more accurate than using wood plugs, it offers greater longevity and doesn’t burn out drill bits. Postpone the need to change track components and extend the life of the asset by years.
The products
- Spikefast ET-75 and ES-50: For timber, screw holes, indentation, splits and voids (20 minute set time)
- Fastpatch LV: For concrete, crack repairs, grouting, rail shoulder repairs and bolt fixings (15 minute set time)
- CTR-100: For repairing rail seats on concrete sleepers, bearers and slab track (60 minute set time)
Proven value: Asset lifetime enhancement of 7 years

Network Rail used Spikefast to extend the life of longitudinal timbers on a bridge over the river Thames. In 2014 the timbers were due for renewal, but then removed from the plan for 2 years. A speed restriction was in place and guage was managed with tie bars. the decision was made to fill all the screw holes and voids with Spikefast ES-50 over four weekend possessions. Upon completion of the work, the tie bars were removed, and the speed restriction was lifted. The timbers were eventually renewed in December 2021 following 7 years of trouble-free service.